The ELPIS v-LAW Review is the first legal journal as such to consist entirely of video contributions. It was born in the midst of 2020 as an idea of Prof. Vasco Pereira da Silva (University of Lisbon), the chairman of the ELPIS (European Legal Practice Integrated Studies) Network. The Network brings together the scientific wealth of about 40 European and numerous Law Faculties of other continents, and is also well renowned through its Joint Master Degree (ELPIS II).

The ELPIS v-LAW Review is part of ELPIS Research (ELPIS III) and is published with the initial periodicity of two Volumes per annum, aiming to present and analyze current developments in European, International and Comparative Law and their respective Legal Practices, in accordance with the abovementioned scientific wealth and Network's focus, in order to address a broad group of interested people through its digital presence.

The contributions, with a length ad libitum to the author unless otherwise determined, have to meet the highest scientific standard and quality, a fact which the Review's Board of Editors guarantees for. The Board of Editors may also determine other formal editorial requisites. Only contributions by ELPIS Network members and people who qualify through a member's reference are entitled to publish a contribution. The contributions are furthermore internally reviewed and shall be accompanied, when possible and appropriate, by an indicative bibliography of each subject.

Opinions and arguments expressed through the respective contributions do not necessarily reflect the official view of the Review's Board of Editors.

Unless otherwise indicated, every contribution published within the ELPIS v-LAW Review is copyright by its respective author(s). Further, unless otherwise indicated, the author(s) and the Review may grant permission to reproduce and distribute for nonprofit educational uses material published in the Review, provided that the copied work is identified in accordance with the rules set forth by scientific clarity and integrity. For permission to reproduce and distribute any work published in the ELPIS v-LAW Review for other purposes, the contribution’s author(s) has/have to be contacted. All such reproduction must identify the author(s) and the Review's Volume.